Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss

The proving of Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish Moss), conducted in July of 2009, by Trituration Handbook authors Anneke Hogeland and Judy Schriebman, has just been published in the current edition of The American Homeopath, the journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths. This is the first full proving ever to be done on a member of the epiphyte (airplant) family. Copies of The American Homeopath are available for purchase directly from NASH. We post the full proving transcript here for those who would like an in-depth excursion into the world of trituration provings and into the remarkable nature of this plant.

Click Here to download proving in pdf format

“When I do triturations I experience an inward turning movement. Every trituration sharpens all our senses and we become more attuned, to ourselves and to others. Triturations deepen our ability to enter into an anamnesis freely and openly. Anamnesis is not just a passive listening to someone’s story. In order to understand the deeper message you need to enter into a mutual process with the patient. From triturations you learn to let go of separation issues; I versus you, good versus bad, self versus other. You then enter into the same energetic field with your patient, where everything belongs equally and where everything has value.” – Alize Timmerman

“Many of our older provings are unreliable or are partial, so it is very useful to do a trituration of a well-known substance and take this to C4 or beyond to come to a much deeper understanding of a substance.” – Susan Lacroix